VVV Nunspeet
VVV Nunspeet is the tourist information office of Nunspeet, where you can find information about the places Nunspeet, Hulshorst, Elspeet, Vierhouten, but also about the rest of the area. VVV Nunspeet has moved a number of times in recent years due to the tunneling of the railway and is currently located on Stationslaan, close to the Noord-Veluws Museum.
At VVV Nunspeet you can find tips, nice cycling or walking routes, tourist information, regional products, souvenirs and various gift vouchers including the VVV Cadeaucard, the Nunspeet Kadopas, the Lekker weg gift card and more.
VVV Nunspeet is part of the foundation 'Nunspeet uit de Kunst'.
Since January 15, 2024 we can be visited at Stationslaan 31b!
Our address is:
Stationslaan 31b
8071 CJ Nunspeet
Phone number 0341 - 274747
Email info@nunspeetuitdekunst.nl
Our opening hours are:
Monday: 9:30-17:00
Tuesday: 9:30-17:00
Wednesday: 9:30-17:00
Thursday: 9:30-17:00
Friday: 9:30-17:00
Saturday: 9:30-17:00
Order gift vouchers? Click here!
Contcat details
Stationslaan 31b
8071 CJ Nunspeet
0341 274 747